Sterilex kooperiert mit Surge For Water am Weltwassertag 2024

Sterilex is pleased to announce our partnership with Surge for Water on World Water Day 2024 for the 3rd consecutive year. We plan to celebrate water and raise awareness of the 2 billion people living without access to safe water. We have partnered with Surge since 2022 to support their mission in investing in communities […]

Sterilex und Surge for Water vereinen sich am Weltwassertag 2023

Woman at a well washing her hands. Badge showing Surge for Water World Water Day partnership with Sterilex.

This World Water Day, Sterilex is proud to partner again with Surge for Water as one of 25 companies uniting to raise awareness of the global water crisis that negatively impacts 2.2 billion people. A contribution from our ESG and CHEER committees will impact over 800 lives through their WASH hygiene and sanitation training program […]

Sterilex kooperiert am Weltwassertag mit Surge for Water

March 22, 2022, World Water Day, marks the beginning of Sterilex’s partnership with Surge for Water, a nonprofit organization that invests in communities by providing safe water, sanitation and hygiene solutions to help end the cycle of poverty. The goal of this partnership is to raise awareness of the global water crisis that negatively impacts […]

Die Crossroads-Charta
Wissenschaftsmesse der Schule

Fünf Mitglieder unseres F&E-Teams posieren mit den beiden jungen Frauen, die die Wissenschaftsmesse der 8. Klasse im Rahmen von Living Classrooms an der Crossroads-Schule in Baltimore gewonnen haben

Sterilex war erfreut, Partner der allerersten Wissenschaftsmesse der Crossroads zu sein, bei der Schüler der achten Klasse Projekte vorstellten, in die sie die in den drei Jahren an der Crossroads erlernten Fähigkeiten einbrachten. Die Fertigstellung eines Projekts für die Wissenschaftsmesse war eine Voraussetzung für den Abschluss der achten Klasse.