Five Benefits of Treating Waterlines Between Poultry Flocks You can’t really talk about improving the drinking water quality for poultry without also talking about biofilm and the importance of removing it from waterlines between flocks. We dive deeper into what biofilm is in our first Biofilm Basics blog, but generally speaking, biofilm provides a protective […]
Kategorie: Tiergesundheit
Are Your Birds Protected from Avian Influenza?
Prevent Avian Influenza with a Strong Biosecurity Program Wild water birds (like ducks and geese) can be infected with bird flu viruses, but usually do not get sick. However, they easily carry and spread the virus through their saliva, mucous and feces. This is why we typically see major Avian influenza outbreaks in the U.S. […]
Wenn Ihre Wasserflasche Sie krank machen kann, was glauben Sie dann, was Ihre Wasserleitungen mit Ihrem Vieh anstellen?
Are you guilty of not washing your water bottle or reusable straw after every use? Over the past several years there have been a number of news articles reporting on studies suggesting your reusable water bottle could be making you sick. Did you know that some water bottles contain more bacteria than an average home toilet seat? Water collects on the lip or spout of the bottle (or the straw) and creates the perfect warm, moist breeding ground for bacteria.
Biofilm-Grundlagen: Ausbreitung von Keimen und Systembefruchtung
In den meisten Verarbeitungs- und Umwelteinrichtungen lauern Biofilme als versteckte Bedrohung, die sich in schwer zugänglichen Bereichen verbergen und gefährliche Krankheitserreger beherbergen, die ein Risiko der Kreuzkontamination darstellen können. Wenn wir uns den Lebenszyklus der Bakterien innerhalb eines Biofilms genauer ansehen, finden wir eine weitere Ebene der versteckten Gefahr: die Ausbreitung von Keimen. In unserem [...]
Important Things to Look for On an EPA Label
Top 5 things to look for on an EPA label We know most people skim product labels and many never actually read the detailed label instructions. We get it, EPA labels can be overwhelming, but the benefits of using EPA-registered products are only effective if the label is followed correctly. Knowing that we all skim […]
Bekämpfung des LT-Virus durch wirksame Biosicherheit
Laryngotracheitis (LT) can be devastating to poultry flocks. But, with proper biosecurity measures in place, LT virus can be prevented and controlled. LT is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the herpes virus, resulting in respiratory disease in chickens, turkeys, pheasants and some other species of birds. It’s a respiratory disease that usually kills […]