Os pisos de produção são o maior vetor de contaminação cruzada. A desinfecção dos pisos durante a produção permite que as fábricas reduzam a carga microbiana que vai para a higienização e girem as linhas mais rapidamente. Continue lendo para ver as fotos de antes e depois de um planta de café que usaram a tecnologia PerQuat® da Sterilex para reduzir os resultados positivos de patógenos.

O acompanhamento com os higienizadores a seco da Sterilex não só aumenta a tração e ajuda a evitar escorregões, como também acrescenta uma camada adicional de proteção contra a contaminação cruzada. Além disso, o Ultra Step e o ProvaStride da Sterilex podem ser usados em ambientes, como a fábrica em este estudo de caso, onde a umidade é uma preocupação, e não perca nosso white paper, que examina o impacto do desinfetante seco e das intervenções nas portas sobre a tração.

Before + After Sterilex Treatment

Area of Concern

The appearance and sanitary condition of drains and floors in a coffee processing facility.


A large coffee processing plant was chosen by its parent company as a trial location for Sterilex’s drain and floor sanitation program company-wide. This plant was chosen due to long-standing high microbial coliform counts, periodic pathogen positives, and the presence of a black “tar-like substance” in and around the drains.


The plant was using a floor scrubber to clean the plant floors and drain surfaces on a nightly basis using conventional detergents. Drains were cleaned and sanitized nightly using conventional sanitizers. The plant had experienced high microbial counts and pathogen positives on the floors and drains for a number of years.


Following one week of the drain/floor trial, all coliform and E. coli counts were reported below the detectable limit and there were zero positives for Salmonela ou Listeria among all swabs tested for the week.

Drain 1

Drain 2

Sterilex Ultra Step vs
Liquid Quat Foot Bath

Area of Concern

A new hydroponic growhouse was exploring solutions for powder chemistry at critical control points.


The facility does not have many drains, was concerned that standing water from liquid sanitizers was contributing to microbial growth, and was conscientious about how much water it was using. Additionally, the facility does not have a clean break for hygienic zoning and was concerned about cross-contamination.
from forklifts entering and exiting the growhouse.


The facility was using a quat product in foot baths as the only intervention at entryway critical control points. They were primarily concerned with Salmonela e Listeria, and struggle with fungal growth.* The customer was looking to reduce water usage and was interested in trying a powder product.
* On non-public health surfaces


After applying Sterilex Ultra Step, the facility saw a complete reduction in APC on footwear and forklift wheels 10–20 ft away from footbaths.

Anaerobic Plate Counts


Enterobacteriaceae Count

Whitepaper: Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of
Entryway Control Products

Synopsis: Food manufacturing facilities frequently weigh the benefits of a food safety intervention against chemical and safety hazards such as slips, trips and falls. Sterilex R&D set out to evaluate the impact of dry sanitizer and doorway interventions on traction.

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