Dry processing facilities and bakeries face unique challenges. From a lack of products with proper regulatory claims for bacteria and virus control to equipment design and material compatibility issues, keeping dry processing facilities clean and sanitary is one of the more difficult challenges in food processing. Even though the final product is dry, there is more than enough moisture in most of these facilities to establish long-lived, thriving colonies of pathogens that infrequent cleanings have difficulty addressing. Sterilex has solutions to target these dangerous pathogens where they live and thrive, with low-moisture sanitizer options and deep cleaning biofilm removal and disinfection solutions when wet cleaning is available.

Sterilex also has visual tools to help identify harborage niches and problem areas. Control key foodborne pathogens like Escherichia coli e Listeria monocytogenes and make sure your brand has the protection it deserves.

Product Benefits

Sterilex products can:

  • Control pathogens in low-moisture and full wet-clean environments
  • Enhance hygienic and plant zoning without adding water
  • Increase food safety without reducing traction
  • Remove biofilme and kill biofilm-causing bacteria in processing facilities during deep clean events
  • Control foodborne pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes on food contact and environmental surfaces
  • Reduce labor hours
  • Increase worker safety

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Sites de uso
Food Contact Surfaces
Paredes e pisos
Overhead Air Units and Structures
COP Tanks and Soakable Parts
Cooling Tunnels and Aluminum Treatment
Low-moisture Floor Sanitization
Low-moisture Hygienic Zoning Control
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