The seafood industry faces unprecedented production and supply challenges, make sure biofilm and pathogen control isn’t another challenge. Seafood processors and facilities face it all: tight harvest and catch deadlines, seasonal production, and a product mix consisting of both raw and RTE products in the same facility in addition to other federal and state regulations. Sterilex products provide a last line of defense against pathogens and biofilm, giving plants peace of mind and freeing up sanitation labor resources for other challenges. Control biofilm growth in land-based facilities and seagoing production vessels to protect your products from dangerous pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes.


Sterilex-Produkte können:

  • entfernen Biofilm und töten Biofilm-verursachende Bakterien in Verarbeitungsanlagen
  • Kontrolle lebensmittelbedingter Krankheitserreger wie Listeria monocytogenes auf Oberflächen, die mit Lebensmitteln in Berührung kommen, und in der Umwelt
  • Reduce costly cold storage product holds
  • Deep clean and disinfect areas not cleaned frequently
  • Remove belt staining
  • Steigerung der Effizienz von Wärmeübertragungsanlagen
  • Reduzierung der Arbeitsstunden
  • Erhöhung der Arbeitssicherheit

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RTE Rooms/Roe Areas and Surfaces
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