Sterilex’s Bruce Urtz will be speaking at the CBE’s annual regulatory meeting, Anti-Biofilm Technologies: Pathways to Product Development in Arlington, Virginia on February 8. This meeting engages industry, academia, and federal agencies on the impact of biofilm in our daily lives. Over the past decade, academic research advances and private company R&D efforts have led to the development of innovative anti-biofilm technologies with transformative potential in the consumer products and healthcare arenas. Likewise, advances in methods for studying and assessing biofilms have provided new insights into important biofilm characteristics such as why biofilms are difficult to kill and remove from surfaces.

The CBE is sponsoring this meeting for the tenth consecutive year in an effort to bring together industry, regulatory agencies, and academia to discuss anti-biofilm-related technologies, research, and regulatory pathways. The two-day, in-person meeting will feature sessions on FDA- and EPA-specific regulatory topics as well as an FDA keynote presentation on the OSEL Sterility and Infection Control Regulatory Science Program and stakeholder needs.

Session topics include:

  • Reusable medical devices (talks & panel)
  • Emerging surface disinfection methods
  • Bioremediation
  • Global perspectives on biofilm claims

About CBE

Montana State University’s Center for Biofilm Engineering has been a world leader in biofilm research for over 30 years. A prestigious 11-year National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center grant awarded in 1990 paved the way for the CBE’s influence in the emerging field of biofilm research. The Center’s three-fold emphasis in research, education, and industry continues to produce results and exciting opportunities for students, staff, and faculty—as well as industrial partners.

The mission of the Center for Biofilm Engineering is to advance the frontiers of health, energy, industry, and the environment through biofilm research, education, and outreach.

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Bruce Urtz

Microbiology Manager

Good Riddance—the importance of biofilm removal and the need for standardized methods

Wednesday, Feb 8
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.