ViveSecure200SM is a soft metal activator that is used with ViveSecure 100, to create a solution that is compatible with a wide variety of soft metals, such as aluminum (see Compatibility Chart). ViveSecure 200SM can be used in place of ViveSecure 200 and is ideal for use on aluminum surfaces such as freezer coils, overhead refrigeration units and HVAC systems.

When combined with ViveSecure 100, this product is effective against organisms such Salmonellay Escherichia coli (E. coli), y tiene la capacidad de penetrar y eliminar la biopelícula, al tiempo que mata a los patógenos formadores de biopelícula.

Compatibilidad de materiales

Material Compatibilidad
Aluminio 1100 compatible
Aluminio 5052 compatible
Aluminio 3003 compatible
Aluminio 7075 semicompatible
Inoxidable 304 compatible
Acero inoxidable 316 compatible
Bronce compatible
Cobre compatible
Latón semicompatible
Acero al carbono semicompatible
Hierro fundido no compatible
Galvanizado no compatible
HDPE compatible
LDPE compatible
Polietileno compatible
Polipropileno compatible
Plexiglás (acrílico) compatible
PVC compatible
Teflón compatible
Kalrez compatible
Delrin (poliacetal) compatible
EPDM compatible
BUNA-N compatible
PET compatible
Viton semicompatible
Policarbonato no compatible

Códigos de productos

Producto Código
55 gallon drum 30230112