Prevention is Protection. Our top priority is helping you raise healthy animals. We are committed to providing tools to treat and control resistant pathogens. Limiting the potential spread of disease improves animal welfare and safeguards our food supply.

Our company is uniquely positioned to bring together multiple parts of the food supply chain. As an industry leader in addressing sanitation and microbial challenges, Sterilex is a total food safety solution provider and is committed to providing solutions for pathogen control from farm to fork.


Did you notice our Animal Health brand got a face lift? 

We wanted to more clearly demonstrate our commitment to biosecurity, as well as create product names that are easier to say and remember. Only the names and brand are changing, not the products you know and trust. Find out what changed and what stayed the same on our Animal Health rebrand page.

Our Products Advance Animal Health

Proprietary Technology

Our PerQuat® Technology is the only chemistry with products approved to remove biofilm and kill pathogens on both public health and industrial surfaces.


A leader in Animal Health biosecurity, we are committed to keeping your animals safe and healthy with EPA-registered, verifiable products.

Biofilm Removal

Sterilex products are the only products on the market specifically tailored to sanitize, disinfect and remove biofilm in animal drinking lines.

EPA Registered

Our products are proven to kill bacteria and inactivate viruses.


Our liquid products are compatible with materials commonly used in waterline systems and our powder’s lack of odor and low dust profile provides for a better user experience.

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Find out why our PerQuat® Technology is the power behind our products.