Sterilex Ultra Step Kanada

Approved to kill food pathogens such as ListerienEscherichia coli (E. coli)und Salmonellen on the floor, Sterilex Ultra Step has been customized to address sanitation challenges for which routine dry cleaners and sanitizers (such as peroxide and dried bleach), are ineffective.

This product is also available in the U.S.


  • Entryway control/foot mats
  • Plant floors (good for cracked/poor floors)
  • feuchtigkeitsarme Verarbeitungsbereiche (kein zusätzliches Wasser erforderlich)
  • Lagerhäuser
  • Abfallbereiche
  • Hindernisse für Bauprojekte

Sterilex Ultra-Kleen Lösung 1 & Sterilex Ultra-Kleen Lösung 2

DIN Reg.: #02395622

Sterilex Ultra-Kleen Solution 1 & 2, based on proprietary PerQuat® technology, is a two-part liquid concentrate that is mixed together at the time of use.

Sterilex Ultra-Kleen Solution 1 & 2 is a DIN approved, BCS approved disinfectant and sanitizer approved to kill organisms such as ListerienSalmonellenund Escherichia coli (E. coli), on food contact equipment and surfaces as well as environmental areas like drains, walls and floors.

This product is also available in the U.S.


  • Desinfektion von Oberflächen mit Lebensmittelkontakt
  • Desinfektion der Umgebung
  • Drain disinfection
  • Teil Einweichen/Umwälzen
  • Vernebeln

Sterilex Ultra-Kleen CIP Solution 1 & Sterilex Ultra-Kleen CIP-Lösung 2

DIN Reg. #02402432

Sterilex Ultra-Kleen CIP Solution 1 & 2, uses our proprietary PerQuat® technology to enhance sanitation and kill resistant microorganisms throughout Clean-In-Place systems. It can be used in all types of CIP systems, including dryers, fillers, evaporators, homogenizers, HTST & DMC machines. By eliminating resistant harborage niches and spoilage organisms from CIP systems, Sterilex Ultra-Kleen CIP Solution 1 & 2 can increase shelf life. In fact, a recent study demonstrated that using our proprietary PerQuat technology as part of a poultry brine injector line sanitation program can increase finished product shelf-life of raw dark poultry meat by at least 5 days.

This product is also available in the U.S.


  • Oberflächen mit Lebensmittelkontakt (Inline-CIP und Teileinweichung)
  • COP-Tanks
  • Sole- und Nadelinjektorsysteme
  • Nadelbelebungssysteme
  • Sanierung von Brauereien/Weinkellereien

Sterilex Ultra Soft Metal Disinfectant Cleaner & Sterilex Ultra Soft Metall-Aktivator

DIN Reg. #02463598

Sterilex Ultra Soft Metall-Aktivator is used with Sterilex Ultra Soft Metal Disinfectant Cleaner to create a solution which is compatible with a wide array of soft metals, such as aluminum. Sterilex Ultra Soft Metal Activator andSterilex Ultra Soft Metal Disinfectant Cleaner can be used in place of Sterilex Ultra-Kleen Solution 1 & 2 and is ideal for use on aluminum surfaces such as freezer coils, refrigeration units, and HVAC systems.

This product is also available in the U.S.


  • Spiralförmige Gefriergeräte
  • Kühltunnel und Kühlschlangen
  • IQF
  • Overhead Air Geräte
  • Bodenschrubber
  • Aluminiumteile, Beschläge und Oberflächen
  • Verpackungsmaterial